We Gotta Take It Back to the Roots
Get reconnected, heal, and grow to your potential.
At Growing Wild, we offer services in:
Nature Immersion
Experiential learning with Nature as a guide, featuring various connective awareness exercises to get you reconnected to the world of Nature.
Herbal Medicine
Our clinic offers natural healthcare consultations, personally-formulated herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations to suit your whole picture of health.
Traditional Skills
We offer workshops on traditional crafts and skills. These include basketry, paper-making, working with nature pigments, wood working, leather crafting and more!

Upcoming Programs & Events
Working with Plants Creatively
Creative and Practical Applications of Plants In this workshop series we will explore various techniques and traditional crafts that will teach us about how things are made with plant. The plants supply us with so much – from food and medicine to materials, fuel and creative tools. The intent of this program is to share…
Garden Mentorship
Interns will get to know our local species of wild medicinal herbs, and those we cultivate for medicine in a hands-on and experiential way. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to get more into gardening/herbal medicine production but who need a bit of guidance and experience.
Healing with the Land
These Healing with the Land days are very open and interested individuals can participate in as many of the days as they like. Each day there will be a theme/focus and several activities to help guide participants, and will offer opportunity for sharing and reflection.

Herbal Clinic
As a result of the pandemic situation, we no longer have access to our former space for seeing clients and we are looking to setting up a new clinical space as soon as possible.
Until we have access to a new clinical space, we will only by able to do consultations by phone or virtually.